How To Make Your Skin ‘Glow’


by Dr Rabia Malik, Cosmetic Doctor at Grace Medical Clinic. One of the commonest requests I get from patients in my clinic is how to get their skin to ‘glow’. There are many different factors that contribute to a glowing complexion. As a holistic medical practitioner, I look at my patients’ skin from many perspectives. Diet, lifestyle and environment all play a part. And then of course, … [Read more...]

Why It’s Vital to Wear Sunscreen…EVERYDAY!

SPF Dr Rabia Malik

by Dr Rabia Malik, Cosmetic Doctor and General Practitioner at Grace Belgravia. Wearing sunscreen everyday should be a fact of life. Sun damage is the number one cause of skin ageing, as well as more obviously contributing to skin cancer. Living in London, I am often asked whether it’s entirely necessary to wear sunscreen every day, given that we see so little sun (!). The answer is yes and … [Read more...]