
The Grace Belgravia Foundation is a charitable incorporated organisation, with charity number 1154755, which will support charities which benefit women and their children.

The Trustees of the Foundation are Kate Percival, the CEO of Grace Belgravia, Dr. Tim Evans, the Medical Director of Grace Belgravia and Bridget Barker, a lawyer and partner of Macfarlanes.

The Trustees intend to look at different ways of raising money in order to support causes they believe are helpful to women and their children.

The first project is to support Dr. Susana Banerjee, a leading oncologist and her team at the Royal Marsden Hospital in research relating to a new, highly targeted method of fighting women’s gynaecological cancers focusing on the human genome. The research will seek to develop a more personalised approach to women’s cancers (rather than the current one size fits all approach). This work should enable a profound change to be made in how women’s cancers are treated at local, national and international levels. It is hoped to raise £250,000 a year for the next three years to fund clinical trials for this research. A more detailed note explaining the project can be downloaded here. To make a donation please go to the Gynaecological Cancer Fund Just Giving Page.

The second project is Action for Children which is supported by Women Taking Action. It supports the most vulnerable children in the UK and through over 650 projects the charity aims to help around 250,000 children and young people every year. It also undertakes pioneering work in identifying and preventing child neglect.

For information on our latest Fundraiser please click here

If any member would like further information about the Grace Belgravia Foundation or how to make a donation to support either of these projects please contact Bridget Barker on